Borisova Elena Vladimirovna – (Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology (Reshetnev University))
Article is devoted to a problem of formation of innovative infrastructure of the region. It plays the defining role in solutions of a problem of increase in the region by the innovative enterprises and enterprises of defense industry complex of the production of hi-tech products. A compensation-network approach to the formation of the innovation infrastructure of the region is proposed. It is offered to carry out formation of innovative infrastructure of the region. At the same time innovative infrastructure provides support and stimulation of hi-tech innovative projects. This approach considers features of functioning of innovative infrastructure of the region by production of hi-tech products and provides compensation of the competences lacking at the hi-tech enterprises and the organization of network interaction of subjects of innovative activity during realization in the region of various types of hi-tech innovative projects. Methodical tools are presented in article. They allow to create innovative infrastructure of the region adequate to problems of increase in the production of hi-tech products.
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