Melnikov Oleg Nikolaevich – (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Esipenko Denis Aleksandrovich – (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
The article presents the results of the study of the formation of conditions for improving the efficiency of management of innovative activity of employees involved in the development of new products and processes. It is established that the innovative activity of employees is an external characteristic of the manifestation of their personal ("internal") creative abilities. This is justified by the fact that the innovative activity of employees is evaluated by the head, and creative activity by the employees themselves. It is shown that the emancipation of creative abilities of employees is possible only if they have a sense of "internal" freedom, which largely depends on the atmosphere of trusting relationships in the team. It is established that the effective management of innovative activity of employees can be ensured by close interaction of the components of the triad "trust-freedom-creativity", which extends the classical functions of management in the case of management of innovative enterprises. However, it's noteworthy that only a man is capable to make innovative proposals (ΔN), aimed at innovative transformations specified in the technical specification, and his innovative activity is assessed by the director who is taking into account not only the proposed ΔN, but also the competitive time of execution of this work - Δt.
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