Gorodnova Natalya Vasilevna – (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)
Samarskaya Nadezhda Aleksandrovna – (Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation)
Increasing the digital potential of Russian companies implementing new national projects, forming an information structure and digital technology platforms, training highly qualified personnel for technological breakthrough and creation of a digital economy, as well as stimulating the personnel of Russian companies to innovate are the primary and priority tasks of the Russian state. Today, our state pays special attention to the use of IT-technologies and intellectual property objects (IPOs) in the activities of companies. The process of qualitative development of a single company, region and economy of the country as a whole is directly related to the continuous improvement of technical means, tools and technologies. Involvement in active turnover of intangible results, setting them on accounting and further commercialization of human labor are an integral part of economic relations in any country, including the Russian Federation. In connection with the above, the topic of this research is recognized as very relevant and topical. The purpose of the research is defined as follows: on the basis of systematization of the accumulated experience to develop a methodological approach and algorithm to stimulate the intellectual and creative activity of the staff of large companies in modern Russian conditions. In the course of the work the authors systematized the legal regulation of intellectual property in Russia, investigated the concept of intellectual property and the result of intellectual activity in modern economic conditions, as well as the experience of implementing innovative projects within the concept of "Smart City". In addition, based on the results of previous studies, a mechanism for stimulating intellectual activity of personnel of large Russian companies, as well as a methodology and algorithm for determining the amount of incentive payments to staff for early implementation of Smart projects were developed. The methodological basis for writing the work are general scientific methods of cognition, in particular, methods of economic analysis of private law, the method of logical analysis, the system method, the comparative legal method, the method of expert assessments, synthesis. The information base of the study is the federal legislation and regulations in the field of intellectual property regulation, as well as the current practice of turnover of intellectual property in Russia and abroad. It is concluded that the motivation system has a maximum impact on the achievement of strategic goals of economic entities involved in the implementation of intellectual activity associated with the transition to an innovative path of development in the framework of new national projects. These proposals are of practical importance and can be applied in innovative activities in Russian joint-stock companies and scientific organizations. The results obtained by the authors of the study can be useful for representatives of public authorities and scientific and professional communities, specialists of large companies and analytical centers, for which the increase of innovative and intellectual activity of the personnel of enterprises is of professional interest.
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