Belokur (Grozova) Olga Sergeevna – (Volga State University of Technology)
Tsvetkova Galina Sergeevna – (Volga State University of Technology)
Technological entrepreneurship is considered as a global phenomenon and a driver of non-resource growth of the regional economy. Technological entrepreneurship is defined as an activity that creates value in the process of combining human capital, tangible and intangible assets. Practical aspects of the issue were studied on the example of the Russian region, which is positioned as an average innovator. The situation in the region is the reverse of the all-Russian trends: there is a close relationship between the indicators of innovation activity of organizations and GRP with a moderate impact of investment on the dynamics of GRP. The analysis showed no correlation in the region between the cost of technological innovation and the dynamics of GRP. The study confirmed the importance of infrastructure factors: the provision of organizations and the population of the region with personal computers and access to the Internet. A high correlation is observed between the average monthly wage in the region and the number of startups, which indicates the high role of socio-economic conditions for the development of technological entrepreneurship in the region. It is concluded that there is a potential for the development of technological entrepreneurship in the region at the expense of intellectual resources and entrepreneurial activity of the population. The limitations are as follows: the low level of investment, institutional and infrastructure factors.
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