Gorodnova Natalya Vasilevna – (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)
Shablova Elena Gennadevna – (Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin)
The development of investment and construction sector and effective management of urban space is one of the main conditions of socio-economic growth and is one of the priorities of any state. The use of information and Smart-technologies, which are an integral part of modern society, plays an important role in this development. The main purpose of this work is to study the Russian practice of using information technologies, including at the stage of design and construction of "smart cities", which will determine the current situation and future prospects of development of the investment and construction sector of Russia in the framework of the transformation of the existing legislative regulation. The article discusses several significant projects for the construction of "smart cities", the elements of the concept of "smart technologies" in the everyday environment on the example of Russia and several other countries, the introduction of Smart and information technologies in the design and construction of construction of industrial and civil facilities for BIM ("Building Information Model"), determines the place of norms in this area in the array of Russian legislation, as well as trends in the regulatory regulation of BIM-technology. In addition, the authors developed a dynamic model to improve the efficiency of information technology in the integration of public and private potential. The conducted scientific research allows to summarize the accumulated experience of using smart technologies in Russia and abroad, which makes it possible to assess the current state and prospects of development of the investment and construction sector in Russia. The general scientific methods of knowledge, in particular, methods of economic analysis of private law, the method of logical analysis, the system method, the comparative legal method, formed the methodological basis of the study. The paper concludes that the introduction of "smart technologies" opens up new opportunities for the development of investment and construction sector and the development of housing strategies with effective urban space management. World experience shows significant progress in the creation and development of the concept of "smart cities". Russian practice shows that "smart technologies" are mainly used in the conditions of integration of the public and private sectors. In addition, the currently being formed experimental legal "platform" provides an opportunity to test the legal regimes of information technology regulation and digitalization, as well as to assess the future prospects of their implementation as a general regime of legal regulation. The results obtained by the authors of the study can be useful for representatives of the government and the scientific community, specialists of large companies and analytical centers, for which the use of information and Smart-technologies in the investment and construction sphere is of professional interest.
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