Lapaeva Olga Fedorovna – (Orenburg State University)
Inevatova Olga Aleksandrovna – (Orenburg State University)
Dedeeva Svetlana Aleksandrovna – (Orenburg State University)
Urgency. High availability of natural resources in Russia is the basis for the development of the basic sectors of the economy – fuel and energy complex (FEC), metallurgy, chemical and timber industry, production of building materials. The fuel and energy complex in the Russian economy performs a system-forming, budget-forming function, plays an important role in the life support of the population. Thanks to the fuel and energy complex, Russia ensures energy independence and reliable security. Therefore, the study of the fuel and energy complex is an urgent task. Purpose. To analyze the problems of development of the economy and fuel and energy complex of the country, as well as the prospects for its development through the use of innovative technologies and solving the tasks set by the Energy strategy until 2035. Object. The main problems of development of the fuel and energy complex, directions of its innovative development, the role in the development of the economy and energy security of the country are considered; the criteria of efficiency of the fuel and energy complex in the course of institutional reforms in the economy are defined; the indicators of long-term development of priority areas of the fuel and energy sector are presented. Methods. The study used the following methods: analysis and synthesis, logical, induction and deduction, statistical processing of economic information, tabular. Practical significance. Economic growth in the country and the region is impossible without further development of the fuel and energy sector. The practical significance of the article lies in the possibility of using its findings to form a strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex. Summary. Our country has a huge fuel and energy potential, which allows Russia to occupy a leading position in the world in terms of production and production of fuel and energy resources. The Russian Federation is fully self-sufficient in fuel and energy resources and is considered a major exporter of fuel and energy among the countries of the world. The current structure of energy use supports the high demand for energy and imposes requirements for the accelerated development of fuel industries. The main strategic task facing the fuel and energy complex is the choice of innovative directions of development, ensuring its sustainable development, increasing efficiency and reducing the energy intensity of GDP. At the same time, an important direction is the implementation of the tasks of the energy strategy of Russia on the basis of the use of alternative energy and the introduction of digital technologies.
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