Nikulina Yu. N. – (Orenburg State University)
The article deals with the problematic aspects of the policy of youth employment in modern conditions. The author analyzes the results of the study of young people of different age groups in order to identify the primary motives and factors affecting the choice of profession and place of work, as well as the assessment of problems and prospects in the field of employment and youth employment in the labor market of the region. Conclusions are drawn that modern youth as the main cause of unemployment among young professionals highlights on the one hand high ambitions, on the other - the lack of experience in the profile of education and sufficient level of training in a particular profession, taking into account the requirements of specialized enterprises-employers. In conclusion, the article identifies positive trends in the regional youth labor market. Recommendations for the development of the system of professional orientation of young people, including the creation of information and analytical portal "Profnavigator" and the implementation of the project of organization of professional holidays "Your choice in the territory of opportunities" for schoolchildren and students of primary courses of educational institutions of the region, are given.
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