Veklenko Vasiliy Ivanovich – (Kursk State University, Institute of Economics and Management)
Algafri Makhmud Abdulkader – (Kursk State University, Institute of Economics and Management)
Mokhammad Mokhannad Ali – (Far Eastern Federal University, School of Economics and Management)
The concept of management emerged comparatively late in the forty year history of the World Heritage Convention. But the requirement to achieve the outputs and outcomes of successful management identification, protection, conservation, presentation and transmission to future generations of heritage of outstanding universal value has been there from the outset. This paper aims to identify the methods of successful management plan in cultural heritage sites, furthermore, to evaluate the elements of heritage management system. The paper shows that to achieve the successful management plan in cultural heritage sites, have to achieve balance between the local community and management elements. Contrary to expectations, the results indicated the great relationship between cultural heritage and socio-economic development to develop regional and local economy. Consistent to earlier research the study supported the hypothesis that using cultural heritage in local economic development projects. The recommendations made as a result of this study have been implemented insert cultural heritage prominently in local economic development programs. The results of the study can be used in the educational process and the formation of work programs in the framework of university educational courses; regional economics, management of cultural heritage sites, management of socio-economic development of territories and development of tourism in the areas of undergraduate and graduate education
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