Pritvorova Tatiana Petrovna – (Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda State University)
Abzalbek Ergali Zhumabay-uly – (Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda State University)
The article deals with the development of one of the sectors of the service sector, which is considered an element of the economic basis of the post-industrial stage of development. The authors review the main indicators of the sector growth in the most competitive OECD countries, as well as a comparison of the main macroeconomic structural and dynamic indicators of business and professional services in the United States and Kazakhstan, which allowed to identify the main positions of the backlog of Kazakhstan. A comprehensive analysis of the dynamics and structure of the development of post-industrial services in Kazakhstan was carried out on all significant parameters of the development of services of this group, available in domestic statistics. This made it possible to identify a group of development leaders; activities characterized by stability and high market share, but weak dynamics; shrinking sectors. The negative trends in the development of the post-industrial services sector determined as a result of the analysis and assessment allow to form a vision of further steps for their development.
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