Zaytsev Aleksandr Vladimirovich – Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sci., Head of Analytical Laboratory Moscow State Textile University Named after A.N. Kosygin
Kraft Yirzhi – Doctor of Economics, Professor, Pro-Rector on Educational Work, Head of the Chair of Economics, Technical University, Liberec (Czech Republic)
Kraftova Ivana – Doctor of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Management Pardubice University (Czech Republic)
The authors justify the actuality of the research and analysis of the nature of innovative processes influence on the economy. In this regard, they show the essence and the meaning of the word 'innovation' in development of postindustrial society. They also represent a classification of innovations. Based on relevant applications of the Russian Federation and the Czech Republic the dynamics of changes in innovation activity of enterprises, human potential development index, and comparison of scientific and innovation profile of both economies are demonstrated. The role and relationship of "idea - intuition – innovation" and "science - research – development" triads in creating conditions for the reformation and the national economy modernization.
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