Zabelina Olga Viktorovna – (Federal State Budgetary Institution “All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Labor Economy and Protection” of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation)
Maltseva Anna Vasilevna – (St Petersburg State University)
Mirzabalaeva Farida Islamudinovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
In a rapidly changing world, the issue of increasing employees' professional, digital, innovative skills, retraining for a new profession is becoming extremely important, because it is a condition of maintaining employment. The system of continuous professional education is an important component of the world educational system, education "through life", the basis of advanced development. The accumulated international experience testifies to the presence of serious problems and original solutions that allow to build individual educational routes for different categories of the population: the elderly, women with children, people with disabilities, etc. Generalization and adaptation of this experience to the Russian practice can serve as an incentive to the development of advanced training of workers in professional areas, the most affected by new technologies. An important characteristic of modernity are the attitudes to the continuous education, contributing to the economic and social modernization of Russian society. In this article, the authors have made a special emphasis on the study of attitudes to training, including obtaining a new profession, workers who are aware of the possibility of disappearance of their profession (specialty) or job cuts in their professional field under the influence of digitalization of the economy. The empirical data used by the authors were obtained as a result of a joint study conducted in June-November 2018 by the Institute of Labor of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and St. Petersburg State University. The study conducted an all-Russian survey of the working population, the purpose of which was to study the social attitudes and dispositions of the employed population of the Russian Federation in relation to labor and professional activities, in particular, attitudes towards the possible transformation of their professional activities in the conditions of digitalization of the economy (all-Russian telephone survey "Social attitudes and dispositions of the population of the Russian Federation in relation to new forms of employment: subjective assessments". The scientific supervisor of the project is Associate Professor A.V. Maltseva; scientific consultant of the project is Professor O. V. Zabelina).
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