Mikhaylova Nadezhda Konstantinovna – ( Novokuznetsk institute (branch) of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education, Kemerovo State University)
Yarkova Tatiana Andreevna – ( Novokuznetsk institute (branch) of the Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education, Kemerovo State University)
In this article, based on the analysis of the results of the study of 2018, the influence of combining students' study and work on the formation of professional competencies in the chosen profession is revealed. The motives of combining, the sectoral structure of employment of students, its compliance with the direction of training at the university and future profession, the impact on the formation of professional competencies were determined. During the study of combining study and work students combined quantitative and qualitative methods of collecting and analyzing information. It is established that students associate their work in organizations not only with material, but also professional motives - the acquisition of practical experience, work experience, improving competitiveness in the labor market after graduation. In case of correspondence of the sphere of employment and future profession, such combination can be considered as an independent stage in professional career, during which both General professional and professional competences are formed. In all other cases, the life experience of working in a team, in modern organizations is very useful when it comes to individual cultural and professional competencies, increases the chances of employment and facilitates the process of adaptation after graduation. The authors come to the conclusion that universities should adapt their educational activities to the growth of students ' combination of study and work, the requirements of the labor market, and when deciding on the transition to an individual training schedule for working students, take into account the scope of employment, the content of work, its compliance with the future profession, while maintaining education as the main goal, and employment - secondary.
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