Kostyukova Anastasiya Romanovna – (Russian University of Economics named after G.V. Plekhanov branch – Kemerovo Institute)
The article discusses the possibilities of applying the world-systems analysis to the study of the banking sector. Trends in the development of world economic relations explain the relevance of the topic. This is an increase in internal contradictions, disproportions in the economic development of countries, an increase in systemic risks. These vectors are reflected in the functioning of the banking sector, which also affects its stability. Neutralizing negative factors becomes possible at the supranational level, where the world-systems approach is one of the most significant analytical structures. This paper identifies the role of the banking system and the specifics of its functioning in the model "center–periphery". The conditions for the redistribution of geo-economic rent are investigated. With the use of methodological techniques and categories of world-systems analysis, the concept of sustainability is revealed.
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