Cherepnin Igor Aleksandrovich – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
Zorina Natalya Anatolevna – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
Borisova Ekaterina Sergeevna – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
The article examines the problem of productive labour motivation growth in the context of the integration of science, education, and business institutions, which is a principal constituent of knowledge-based economy formation. The objective of this research is to determine the directions of the development of social and labor relations in the integration process through the prism of its participants’ motivation and the role of public-private partnership as an enforcing mechanism for the implementation of this interaction. In this context, the article formulates strategic goals of the participants in the integration process, identifies the direction of their motivation transformation vectors, which is determined by factors of the modified in the course of the integration external business environment. The development of an efficient public-private partnership system as a regulatory framework and organizational form of cooperation within the integration process is considered as one of the basic factors underlying the scope, dynamics and results of science, education and business integration process. The necessity of motivational vectors direction control, analysis and adjustment on micro- and macrolevels is substantiated, and in this respect the authors offer a new formula to calculate a coefficient, which allows to assess the relevance of motivation system transformation initiation within a public-private partnership.
The article is focused on the issue of low labour productivity in the Russian Federation, which is among other factors associated with low motivation for productive work. The integration of education, science and business can contribute to the resolution of this problem. The study formulates strategic goals of each of the institutions involved into the integration, and also identifies and substantiates the main directions of motivation of the participants. Public-private partnership is distinguished as an essential constituent of the external business environment and one of the organizational forms of the integration. The authors offer a new formula to calculate a motivation system transformation coefficient for projects implemented within the public-private partnership system as a tool to assess the relevance of their motivation system modification.
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