Gambarova Rugiya Mantig kyzy – (Azerbaijan State Agrarian University)
Export potential is an integral part of the country's economic potential. It determines the ability of the national economy and its individual industries as a result of the full use of the means of production to produce and export goods and services in the quantity and quality that corresponds to the demand of consumers in the foreign market. It should be noted that export requires demand. If we take into account that the number of products that can be produced in the country is quite small compared to the number of products on the world market, we can assume that the potential demand for oil products of the country will always be. In our opinion, if the price of products on the domestic market is less than its price on the world market, then there is export potential. The article studies the peculiarities of the country\'s export potential regulation, as well as the analysis of the export structure. The article may be of interest to specialists involved in justifying the expediency of the export of various goods.
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