Arapov Sergey Vasilevich – (Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) )
This article is devoted to the actual problem of the structural-functional model of the Economy of the Future. Ideas about the economics of knowledge in the literature are quite diverse. But the structural-functional model of the Economy of the Future is missing. The article discusses the basis for such a model. It is based on the model of the balance of distributed bases, which was used by the author earlier in other studies. The article introduces the concept of «economic foundations». This term is understood as a system of economic institutional structures that govern economic sectors, and through them - sectors of the economy. Economic foundations are the skeleton of the economic system. The interaction of economic foundations among themselves is the functional basis of the universal economic system. The article reveals the content of economic foundations, explores a new structure of social demand, the results of which can be the initial data for the formation of economic indicators.
1. In the scientific literature there are a variety of ideas about the economy of the Future: it may be the economy of knowledge, the economy of donation or project economics. At the same time, there is no single or at least a close understanding of the structural and functional base of the Economics of the Future.
2. Ideas about the Economics of the Future should be related to some economic institutions, both existing and new ones. For this purpose, a new institutional formation is introduced for the future economy, “economic foundations”. Economic foundations are economic institutional structures that govern economic sectors, and through them - sectors of the economy. They represent the framework and functional base of the universal economic system.
3. The proposed model of the Economy of the Future is built on the basis of the management balance of distributed grounds. The indicated balance was used by the author earlier in other studies as an initial model, within the framework of which five interrelated economic foundations are established. The grounds are distributed functionally and constitute the functional base of the economic system.
4. The target economic foundation of the balance of the functional base of the economic system is the Planned-Project Economic Foundation, which not only controls all other economic foundations, but also oversees the interactions between them. With the formation of a system of regular social inquiry, it becomes possible to form specific economic indicators for a certain period.
5. The actual economic resource is the resource foundation for the balance of the functional base of the economic system. This is the Knowledge resource, which is the basic factor of production of the future economic system.
6. The instrumental foundation of the balance of the functional base of the economic system contains the economics of evaluation and coordination. On this foundation, possible methods and technologies for the turnover of resources are constructed.
7. The activity process foundation for the balance of the functional base of the economic system is the Turnover-Exchange economic foundation. It is the implementation of metabolic processes and turnover regimes.
8. The foundation of economic saturation is an activity-based final foundation. This foundation takes into account the consistency of indicators of the target base and the results of economic activity, as well as the degree of saturation of the economy with necessary resources, the level of its development.
9. Effective development of the Economy of the Future with its main resource, Knowledge, perhaps in another legal system, the system of Another Universal Law. Functional economic foundation in their interaction with government institutions and all elements of the social system together can produce a powerful synergistic effect.
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