Legchilina Elena Yurevna – (Omsk State Transport University)
The article deals with the model of regulation of changes in the components of the system of social and labor relations on the basis of balancing the interests of participants in social and labor relations, including five blocks "Monitoring the state of the system of social and labor relations", "level of technological processes", "level of competence", "level of institutionalization", "level of value relations". The study was based on the fact that social and labor relations represent a holistic set of components "institutions", "values", "labor processes", "human resources", "relations" having co-revolutionary conditionality. The author's interpretation of the digital transformation of social and labor relations is given. The main stages of implementation of the model of regulation of changes in the components of the system of social and labor relations are proposed. The matrix-scheme of the possibility of regulating the system of social and labor relations is considered. An example of a system of indicators for monitoring the state of social and labor relations, recommended by the author for a large economic system. The results of this study can serve as a methodological basis for the regulation of changes in the system of social and labor relations of any organization, and are recommended for all interested specialists in the field of regulation of social and labor relations.
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