Sergeeva Nataliya Mitrofanovna – (Kursk State Medical Universty)
In the context of the structural crisis, the need to diversify the economy of both the country and individual regions is determined by the need to ensure import substitution. The article shows that the existing imbalances in the sectoral development of the regions lead to the development of negative trends, fraught with migration of the working population to more prosperous areas and the degradation of the socio-economic environment of depressed and economically weak regions. The author has distributed the districts of the country according to the priorities in the structure of economic processes: in the Northwestern federal district, Privolzhsky federal district and Siberian federal district manufacturing is dominated; in the Urals and Easten federal districts it is mining, and in the Central federal district, Southern federal district and North Caucasus federal district it is trade. The economy of developed countries is characterized by a high share of services and trade, but without adequate industrial development, this state of affairs for the Russian regions will contribute to the further growth of negative socio-economic problems, including a slowdown in the implementation of import substitution processes. The author on the example of the regions of the Central federal district revealed that in a number of areas where the structure of GRP revealed the priority contribution of trade, the level of economic development is weaker than in other areas of the district (except Moscow and Moscow region). Therefore, it is important in the socio-economic development of the country to create conditions for the diversification of the economy of the regions, as the concentration of business not in sectors that can be attributed to the real sector of the economy, is not able to improve the level and quality of life of the population of these regions, but only exacerbates the unfavorable socio-economic situation.
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