Anokhov Igor Vasilevich – (Baikal State University)
The aim of the article is to develop a model of the company's response to changes in the external environment. The object of the study is the production activity of an individual, functional units of the company and the company as a whole. Natural-scientific conceptual apparatus allows the most adequate description of the phenomenon under study. Most of the actions of the individual is routine and is clearly fixed cycles of the same algorithm of movements or oscillations. These fluctuations are made under the influence of external and internal impulses that bring the individual out of balance: an indication of leadership, a feeling of hunger, a sense of duty, market signals, internal norms, etc. The individual's reaction to such signals occurs on four levels: physical, emotional, intellectual and value-semantic. In the case of the collective work of the fluctuations of individuals are synchronized, with the result that the impact of the external pulse causes a wave-like character of the response within the company. The firm as such serves as a conductor of momentum that is generated between the outer zones of chaos and superorder in relation to the firm. The impulse passing through the firm causes in it a wave-like movement of energy, matter and information, changing its form in the transition from one individual to another. Based on the proposed model, the viability of the company is fully determined by its sensitivity to external impulses, the degree of responsiveness of the internal environment for the assimilation, transformation and transmission of this impulse. This, in turn, is provided by the tone of the employees of the company, their ability to instant reaction. It is in the interests of the company to maintain the state of instability of its employees, the elimination of zones of stability and overregulation, which allows you to quickly and economically generate internal oscillations and waves corresponding to the frequency and intensity of the external pulse.
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