Tagarov Bato Zhargalovich – (Baikal State University)
The article studies the concept of sharing economy. The state of Russia's sharing economy was analyzed and the lag behind the developed countries was shown. Obstacles hindering the development of sharing economy model in Russia were identified. The following problems were distinguished: low level of confidence in digital services, relatively low income, digital divide and the need to adapt instruments of state regulation to a peer-to-peer economy. As the main areas of concern in regulating digital services of sharing economy were considered: goods and services quality control, income data collection of service participants, limitation on service monopoly power.
• The economy digitalization has reduced costs of interaction, thus allow-ing the population to profit from underutilized assets. This activity has been named sharing economy.
• The key factor in development of the sharing economy model is the level of trust between its participants. In Russia, this rate is one of the lowest among countries which have comparable levels of development. The lev-el of confidence in information in social media is particularly low.
• Russia has one of the highest communication infrastructure rate in the world. However, there is a heavy gap with developed countries in devel-opment of e-commerce and collaborative consumption services.
• The relatively low income of the Russian population sets a limit on the social and environmental motivation to participate in sharing economy, thereby hampering the development of non-commercial segment of the sharing economy. In addition, low income has a negative impact on the volume and quality of idle assets.
• The digital economy is developing so fast that, despite the emergence of relevant state programs, the state can not manage to develop effective handling mechanism for new forms of interaction.
• Development of digital platforms of the collaborative consumption re-quires changes to a number of areas of state regulation. These include the goods quality control, income taxation of participants in the services of collaborative consumption, limiting on service monopoly power.
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