Pritvorova Tatiana Petrovna – (Open Company “Rational solution”)
Gelashvili Nikolay Nikolaevich – (Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda State University)
Zhumanova Bekarshyn Kimashovna – (The Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade)
The article considers the ways of development of social entrepreneurship (hereinafter – SP) in the Republic of Kazakhstan taking into account the trends of the modern economy in which a significant role is played by various business models. It is shown that at present social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan is developing in the traditional areas of the service economy. And it greatly restricts the possibilities for further development of social entrepreneurship. Thereby become relevant to look for a new method of overcoming barriers to the development of SP. Here a large value can have a business model based on implementation of innovative approaches in the organization of work. The key problem remains the search for financing of social projects. The article discusses the possible alternative ways of funding social projects, in addition to traditional sources.
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