Loginova Natalya Anatolevna – (Saint Petersburg branch of Russian customs academy named after V.B.Bobkov)
The article shows the systematic nature of destructive entrepreneurship in freight road transport, through the aggregation of statistical data. The article also highlighted, described and ranked the signs of destructive entrepreneur-ship inherent in the domestic freight road transport. The basis of the study is an anonymous interviewing by the author of entrepreneurs engaged in the car-riage of goods by road during 2012–2018. The results obtained allowed to as-sess the damage caused annually to the state, as well as the outputs of econom-ic entities.
In Russia, approximately to date, more than half (51%) of carriers belong to small businesses. In the domestic road transport industry in the freight seg-ment: a vacuum of effective rules of the game, which must be established by the state, led to the formation of destructive entrepreneurship and a sharp increase in the number of illegitimate carriers. With the introduction of the exemption of economic entities owning freight rolling stock from licensing, the sphere of de-structive business in transport has expanded significantly. The benefit for carriers as a result of destructive behavior in the trucking business is enormous and ex-ceeds the state’s damage by 2.4 billion rubles. (or 5.4%). Without stopping such activities, the state not only incurs losses, but also indirectly “stimulates” de-structive entrepreneurship in automobile transport to even greater benefits
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