Kobyakova Olga Sergeevna – (Siberian State Medical University)
Deev Ivan Anatolevich – (Siberian State Medical University)
Kulikov Evgeniy Sergeevich – (Siberian State Medical University)
Malyh Regina Denisovna – (Siberian State Medical University)
Tyufilin Denis Sergeevich – (Siberian State Medical University)
The review presents the data analysis of classic and contemporary research studies on emotional intelligence and its importance in human life, in particular, in the attainment of professional success. As is known, currently describes the various components of a successful career, and emotional intelligence, without a doubt, is one of them. What is his role in the conquest of a professional challenge? How to objectively assess the level of emotional intelligence? Can it be improved? This concept is considered from the point of view of basic concepts, the different definitions and highlighted key parameters of each model. Ways of assessing the level of emotional intelligence, their practical value and the advantages and disadvantages, also raised issues of objectivity and evidence-based practice. Different ways of its improvement depending on the individual characteristics and practical need. Special attention is paid to the role of emotional intelligence in successful career and its relationship with IQ.
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