Zhuravlev Aleksandr Konstantinovich – (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU) ; Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Nechushkin Yu.V. – (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Semikin G.I. – (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Mikhalchik S.V. – (ICECAPS LLC)
Kononchuk V.V. – (St. Petersburg Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy)
The changing political and economic climate of the country, creates conditions for development of adaptive mechanisms on development of investment strategy in line with distribution of the private and corporate capitals. A significant role in national economy is played by financial institutions, the stock exchange which tasks enters is basic of which, - mobilization and redistribution of temporarily free money between the companies, branches of farms and individuals. Despite technological development, the defining role at adoption of the investment decisions connected with financial risk continues to play a human factor. The stock exchange provides a broad set of liquid investment tools, and the high speed of change of cost of securities in time, defines significant requirements to physical and mental health of the exchange trader as managing director of financial assets.
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