Zhdankin Nikolay Aleksandrovich – (The National University of Science and Technology MISiS; Consulting company LLC “Regul-consult”)
Sharipov Bakhrom Karomatulloevich – (National research technological University “MISIS” – Dushanbe branch)
In article social and economic problems of the industrial region on the example of the Republic of Tajikistan are considered. It is shown that in the republic the share of industrial production in GDP of the country falls, making less than 17% now. Methods of innovative management made analysis of a problem, its root causes are established and actions for their elimination are developed. Are main in this question development of the effective strategy of development for the industrial region taking into account implementation of innovative technologies and development of SME that gives explosive cumulative effect. It is also necessary to create the system of continuous improvements at the level of all republic, to mark out enough money for science and education, to strengthen fight against corruption. All this will give new jobs and an impulse to development of the industrial region in which people will cease to aspire on earnings to Russia and other countries, and will work at home, providing gain of GDP due to industrial production.
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