Tsvetochkina Irina Anatolevna – (Siberian Federal University, Institute of Business Process Management and Economics )
Salyakhieva Natalya Konstantinovna – (Siberian Federal University, Institute of Business Process Management and Economics )
The article presents the results of a study aimed at a comparative statistical analysis of the main indicators of living standards and poverty in different socio-demographic groups to identify patterns and characteristics of poverty in the Krasnoyarsk region. The main information base for this study was the data of the federal state statistics service. The use of statistical data revealed a reduction in the degree of inequality of various options for distribution of income to 1.08% from 0,423 in 2013 to 0,392 in 2017 and the excess of per capita income and average wage from the minimum subsistence level more than 3 times. However, all this does not testify to the general welfare of the citizens of the country. The policy established minimum subsistence level as the standard consumption is greatly reduced and does not satisfy the most important needs of modern man. The results of the study allowed us to determine characteristic features of poverty in the Krasnoyarsk region. In this situation, the solution to the problems of poverty in the Krasnoyarsk territory and the overcoming of social inequalities should be a priority of the socio-economic policy of the government.
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