Kachalkina Kristina Gennadievna – (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University )
With the transformation of the economy and the transition to the digital era, the oil and gas industry faces the need for rapid adaptation to change. One of the elements of such adaptation is the successful implementation of intelligent technologies. At the same time, there is a significant gap between the level of development of digital technologies in the oil and gas industry in Russia and abroad. The analysis carried out in the article has revealed that one of the reasons for the backlog and insufficient adaptation to the industry 4.0 is the lack of interdisciplinary cooperation between Russian oil and gas enterprises and other enterprises, especially of intellectual industries. The intensification of inter-sectoral cooperation is complicated by the lack of sophisticated management tools, and the article proposes a series of recommendations for implementation of managing instruments.
• The transition to the sixth technological wave leads to the development and growth of interdisciplinary technologies importance, the creation and use of which is possible only within the framework of inter-sectoral cooperation.
• Inter-sectoral cooperation is the guarantor of successful adaptation of oil and gas industry to the new way and to intellectual technologies.
• Russian oil and gas companies lag behind in the digital transformation because of lack of cooperation with other industries.
• Measures are needed to stimulate inter-branch co-operation, including the creation of methodological tools for managing the co-operation of oil and gas companies.
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