Udaltsova Natalya Leonidovna – (The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation)
This scientific article covers the conceptual framework of digital economy and the influence thereof on the development of world economic processes, and investigates the efficiency of digitalisation process development in Russia and in some other countries. According to estimates of consulting companies, the digitalisation of the Russian economy has a potential effect of 4.1-8.9 trillion roubles for GDP, which will amount to approximately 19-34% of the total increase of GDP by 2025. Russia has all necessary prerequisites for the achievement of the digital potential. In order to achieve this, first of all, it is necessary to determine the technological focus and to concentrate investment opportunities on the goals set, to develop the innovation culture in all possible ways on the model of the country’s digital companies. Another important task that requires a timely solution will be the education area and training of specialists. It is obvious that the digitalisation will lead to emergence of new professions and obsolescence of some existing professions.
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