Karaschuk Oksana Sergeevna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Mayorova Elena Aleksandrovna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The article deals with the problem of changing the demand for trade assortment in Russia due to the ongoing change of generations of consumers, whose preferences have significant features. Within the framework of the study the following tasks are set: on the basis of theoretical analysis of existing generational models to formulate characteristics of preferences of individual age groups of consumers; to analyze changes in the age structure of the population of the Russian Federation and to identify its impact on the trade range. The results of the analysis of changes in the age structure of the population of the Russian Federation, taking into account consumer preferences of different generations, showed that in the long term the Russian market will retain a high share of the segment of economy class goods. Moreover, after 2031 it is expected to expand this segment due to the natural growth of the population of the generation of "Millennials" (18-34 years) and "baby boomers" (56-78 years) and reduce the share of the generation of "revolutionaries" (35-55 years) in the total population of the state.
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