Borsch Lyudmila Mikhaylovna – (Institute of Economics and Management (division) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University», Republic of Crimea, Simferopol )
The article is devoted to the study of the actual scientific and practical problem of modernizing the state financial system with the help of global mechanisms. To achieve this goal, the following problems are solved in the article: the main links and interdependencies, regularities in the process of modernization of the financial system based on the dialectical method are defined; approaches, methodology are formed; sources of resource formation are defined. This article is based on the interdisciplinary concept of a dialectical approach. The main methods used were: dialectical, historical, logical, statistical and synthesis method. An in-depth analysis and approaches based on principles have been developed, which allowed us to consider the important scientific direction of the modern financial system - modernization and progressive development, defining consolidating functions of state regulation and eliminating imbalance. The methodology of the dialectical approach was developed to cover the budget deficit by borrowing resource sources. This approach of macroeconomic orientation has allowed to form new opportunities for modern modifications in the monetary and financial system. The materials stated in the article indicate that under the current conditions of sanctions, a special importance is attached to the peculiarity of the approach to managing the coverage of the federal budget deficit, the management of the securities market in the long term.
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