Shubenkova Evgeniya Valerievna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
Voykina Ekaterina Andreevna – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The article deals with the experience of public-private partnership of chambers of commerce, government and private companies in the field of education in Italy. Information is provided on the establishment of a joint trade university in Rome. The list of bachelor's and master's educational programs implemented at the university, the subjects studied, the cost of training, discounts and support programs for individual groups of the population. The curriculum of the bachelor in the direction of "Business management" is analyzed in detail, the competencies acquired following the results of training are specified. The authors consider various possibilities of studying at the university: the passage of online courses, the study of individual disciplines. The directions of activity of the University in relation to business structures, including training of employees in order to improve their skills, the provision of consulting services. The analysis of research and publication activities of the university is briefly presented.
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