Volume 3, Number 3 (July-September) Switch to Russian: Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next IssueBogacheva T.Yu. Healthy lifestyle as a social policy priority 153-158Sinyagina N.Yu. Diagnostics of international interaction risks 159-168Anisimov O.S. The essence of civilization and civilizational analyst 169-180Laptev A.S., Obolonskiy Yu.V. Inclusive education and adjustment of students with disabilities 181-186Zhuravlev A.K., Kononchuk V.V. Active longevity and prevention of suicidal behaviour of older people 187-196Ipateva I.A. Motivational orientations in the formation of physical culture and healthy lifestyle of financial students on the example of athletics 197-204Kuznetsova A.M. "Sensory room" as a method of socio-psychological work with teenagers who are prone to aggression on the example of Chapaevsk "Education Center" 205-208Kushnareva T.M., Ziber A.E. The psychology of juvenile offenders 209-214Karpenko D.A., Khachaturova E.V. Psychological analysis of speech activity of adolescents in the continuum of psycho schizoid personality 215-218Khudysheva M.K., Pyatibratova I.V., Pikanina Yu.M. Formation of self-regulation of students in health-promoting environment 219-227Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next Issue