Volume 7, Number 4 (October-December 2017) Switch to Russian: Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next IssueRoganova S.Yu., Matyukova V.S. Research and analysis of the use of remote banking services based on consideration of its advantages and disadvantages 217-224Salova N.N. Modeling the processes of justifying the loan product selection in the market of banking services in mortgage lending 225-238Berestova V.V., Murygina L.S. Small venture capital business in the Urals Federal District 239-246Berdyshev A.V., Grigoryan M.A. On the role of Sberbank in the development of lending to real sector of Russian economy 247-252Zharkova N.N. Strategy for light industry development: new directions and benchmarks 253-261Sakleev M.A. Improving the corporate management system by means of the corporate contract 263-272Khutorova N.A., Fofanova A.Yu., Kalmykov N.N., Antonova N.E., Kryuchkov A.N., Emelyanov A.V. On amending the state program of the Russian Federation "Forestry Development" for 2013-2020" 273-292Виноградова Н.А. Рецензия на монографию Власенковой Е.А. "Системный подход к проблемам разграничения полномочий и проектирования организационных структур государственного и муниципального управления" 293-297Previous Issue <- | Archive | -> Next Issue