Dyachenko Vladimir Nikolaevich – (Economic Research Institute FEB RAS)
In this article assesses the formation and development of informal employment in the border region. In the study analysesthe impact of various factors on the choice of informal employment in the course of adaptation of population to changes on the labor market caused by the critical processes in the economy associated with the formation of market relations. Focuses on the impact on the processes of regional features, defined the border situation and development of foreign economic relations. The information basis of research data constitute the official State statistics, including the monitoring of changes in the labor market and the development of processes occurring in the informal sector of theregion economy. As a result, the author concluded that utilization of possibilities disclosed by formation of new institutional space, realized in intensive development of self-employment and small business with domination of mass adaptation strategies of unlawful and informal ways of behavior. Whilst defining role in development of informal employment act forced entrepreneurship that lead to displacement of employment structure the other way round from technology intensive and innovative model.
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