Galkina Elena Valerevna – ( Orel State Institute of Economy and Trade)
In specialized publications devoted to the management problems, quality assessment is considered from the point of solving narrow specialized issues. Methods of quality assessment are adapted to the solution of a specific issues in a particular field of activity, industry. The purpose of this article is to develop a generalized, systematic algorithm for assessing quality from an economic point of view. The article summarizes the approaches to quality assessment management based on the principle of consistency and universality. A model of formalized quality assessment is proposed. The relationship of the assessment of the quality and pricing of goods is shown. In the process of formation of the model the criteria (parameters)of quality, the conditions of recognition of the object quality, the stages of formalization of the model of quality assessment. The technique is brought to the level of mathematical economic-oriented model. The estimation algorithm includes a sequence of steps for the selection criteria, parameters, measured values of quality characteristics, their conversion to a common scale, the determination of the consolidated assessment of quality (based on the model weights or the model without weights), as well as adjustments to the purchase price. Adaptation of the model is made at the expense of freedom of choice of criteria, parameters, ways of their estimation, reference values, weights of criteria. Implementation of valuation models does not absolve managers of the responsibility for the outcome of the evaluation of the quality of the solution, and provides a framework to justify the selection of option solutions. The choice and practical implementation of management impact on the results of quality assessment is made by the persons responsible for the consequences of such a decision. The presented approaches and model are acceptable for solving management issues in different spheres of activity.
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