Vartanova Marina Lvovna – (The Institute of Socio-Political Research under the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISPR RAS))
The existing risks and threats to food security encourage the States of the Eurasian economic Union to join efforts to take measures that allow, on the one hand, to saturate the market with food products, and on the other – to protect it from low-quality products. In the study, the author notes that the joint efforts of the Russian Federation as part of the EAEU member States provide more opportunities for the creation and implementation of new technologies for deep and complex processing of food raw materials, improvement of methods of cultivation, storage and transportation of agricultural products, ensuring its safety for life and health, including future generations. The development of a balanced system of food supply is unthinkable without sustainable and effective development of economic entities of the agro-industrial complex, which determine the formation of the resource base of the markets. At the same time, it is the regulated market that is designed to ensure the equivalence of the exchange of goods and stimulate the flow of investment resources into the agricultural sector.
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