Sumina Ekaterina Vladimirovna – Cand. of Economic Sci., Associate Professor of the Academic Department of International Business, Siberian State Aerospace University named after M.F.Reshetnev
Dergunov Viktor Nikolaevich – Head of the Administration of Dzerzhinsky District of Krasnoyarsk Region (krai)
Tolstikhin German Valeryevich – Senior Youth Outreach Specialist, Coordinator of Innovative Activities, Center for Additional Education of Children «School of Aerospace»
The article examines an innovative approach to the territorial entrepreneurship development on the basis of social communication management te chniques, the use of informal communications. The factors of entrepreneurship development in the areas that affect the susceptibility of innovative regional economy are actualized. The structure of the innovative modular program of entrepreneurship and innovation in the areas of the Krasnoyarsk region is presented. A unique experience of application of the new approach and development of innovative modular program involving young people in entrepreneurship, particularly in the Dzerzhinsky district of Krasnoyarsk region, is demonstrated.
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