Tagarov Bato Zhargalovich – (Baikal State University)
The article covers web search evolution from the appearance of the earliest website catalogues up to search systems having a focus on importance of websites and behavior peculiarities of users. The Article analytically traces how search systems have been hampering website search optimization. The article reveals negative consequences of development of, in particular, search results distortion and the appearance of numerous non-informative websites. The Article highlights the search optimization market segments and their features. The Article indicates main aspects of monetization of the search optimization market segments. The Article ends up with making out basic tendencies in development of this market.
• Search engine operation is in connection with the scale economy effect. Therefore in Russia, this market represents a duopoly.
• Search engines have become the main Internet access point for most of users. Therefore, search engine optimization or SEO is ranked among the main ways of attraction of users to a website.
• Yandex and Google algorithms take into account external hyperlinks what enables SEO-specialists to artificially increase the significance of web pages and distort the search results.
• Since application of SEO compromised the search system operation, they changed the search algorithm and became to consider the behavior peculiarities of website visitors.
• The problem of the search system operation distortion cannot be solved in the nearest future. When Yandex and Google develop new algorithms, SEO-specialists can quickly find new ways how artificially increase web page positions.
• The development of Russian SEO-market has given rise to the following its segments: 1) web-page promotion; 2) link placement trade market; 3) SEO- education market.
• Russian SEO-market is characterized by a high level of opportunistic behavior of SEO-specialists due to information asymmetry between customers and contractors.
• The SEO-market development has entailed the appearance of numerous websites which have no customer value and are only suitable for trading on the link exchange market.
• The appearance of a large number bloggers specializing in the website monetization training has facilitate attraction of new members to the Russian SEO-market
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