Alabugin Anatoliy Alekseevich – (South Ural State University (National Research University))
Beregovaya Irina Borisovna – (Orenburg State University)
The article is devoted to the specification of theoretical provisions on neo-industrial technological development as a basis for managing the effectiveness of innovative activity of an industrial enterprise in an imbalance with the objectives of innovation. The purpose of this work is to reflect the specifics of approaches to the management of the processes of formation and development of high-tech industrial production as a special type of neo-industrial technological development. As a result of the use of methods of comparative analysis, the author's definition of the category "processes of formation and development of high-tech industrial production" was given. The article presents the authors improved the classification of types of NTR by the following features: the type and stage of the str in the extended range of quality processes and efficiency; scope of application; method and timing of implementation; degree of controllability; the source of changes of targeted species; the level of competition. The cyclicity of changes in the index-property at the stages of STD type of evolutionary and abrupt changes in the level of efficiency in terms of compromise with the objectives of innovation development based on the mathematical model of approximation of step functions.
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