Blanutsa Viktor Ivanovich – (V.B.Sochava Institute of Geography SB RAS)
It was previously established that there is a physical, economic and social level of connectivity of the Internet space. The article considers only the second level, in which connectivity is due to economic relations between telecom operators. Each operator can enter into agreements on the purchase, sale and exchange of IP traffic with any other operators that own autonomous systems (networks) in different regions (countries). As a result, there is a huge amount of multidirectional information flows between all autonomous systems. To manage the threads, you need to solve the problem of clustering them in order to reveal the prevailing directions of traffic redistribution. This makes it possible to identify territorial clusters as groups of regions within which autonomous systems interact more strongly than with networks in other territories. The solution of this problem for 85 regions of the Russian Federation made it possible to identify ten territorial clusters with different connectivity of autonomous systems.
● Communication operators owning Autonomous Systems conclude agreements on the redistribution of IP traffic among themselves and thus form the economic connectivity of the Internet space. The management of connectivity must be based on knowledge of the spatial structure represented by clusters. In Russia and other countries, such clusters were not previously allocated.
● Territorial cluster is a group of regions within which the exchange of IP traffic between Autonomous Systems is stronger than with the systems of other regions.
● BGP Full View of the Internet topology was used to determine all the direction of IP traffic redistribution between Russian Autonomous Systems. This allowed us to establish that in Russia there is a "capital-oriented" spatial structure of the Internet.
● Economic connectivity of Russian regions is closed in ten territorial clusters, among which the largest is the Moscow cluster. It unites 73 of the 85 Russian regions.
● Identified spatial structure is not acceptable due to its hypertrophied dependence on the Autonomous Systems of one city. To ensure national security and the effective operation of the Internet in Russia, a decentralized multicluster spatial structure is necessary.
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