Ivanova Tatiana Evgenevna – (Kuban State University)
Alferova Alina Vladimirovna – (Kuban State University)
In article the basic conditions for successful implementation of regional PPP projects arising from the completeness of the legislative framework, the compliance of the contents of the agreements the actual problems of society interest, values and social responsibility participants. For example, in the Krasnodar region specificity the whole PPP projects, development-oriented services, compared with the sectoral structure of the objects constructed in the era of NEP.
1. Models and investment projects in the framework of public private partnership, visible priority problems of society, the common interests of members, reflecting their values and investment initiatives.
2. The success of regional PPP projects depends on the completeness of the legislative base, interest and social responsibility of participants matching the contents of the agreements the actual problems of society.
3. Example of PPP in the Krasnodar region reflects systematic regional legislative framework, the composition of the conditionality of investment of PPP projects prirodno-climatic features of the territory, the apparent focus on tourist-and-recreational activities, improving the quality of life of the population and investment attractiveness of the territory.
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