Sokolov Aleksey Andreevich – (The St. Petersburg State University of Economics)
The article proposes a new approach based on the theory of adaptive management of the region to improve the management of structural changes in the socio-economic system in the context of the State policy deoffshorization. This approach consists in the use of logic-linguistic modeling of problem situations , cognitive approach to recognition of risks and threats, application of supercomputer technologies of data processing. The relevance of the study is due to the government's structural changes in the Russian economy to realize the goals of the digitalization economy, assess the socio-economic impact of capital outflows. The results of the study are the semantic model of the socio-economic system as a problem area, taking into account modern business conditions, fragments of the discrete-situation network, classification of problem situations in three classes, Matrix representation of risks and threats. This determines the mechanism of decision-making on emerging issues, helps to simulate scenarios of "centralized and decentralized" decisions within the framework of strategic planning of activity of socio-economic system.
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