Beskova Tatiana Viktorovna – (Saratov State Academy of Law )
The article identifies the challenges of modern science in the study of envy that make it difficult to create an integral picture of this socio-psychological phenomenon. Absence of a serious theoretical and methodological foundation for its study is the main problem. The author believes that the theory of personal relations can be one of such foundations. The article highlights some disagreements between psychologists in understanding the essence of socio-psychological relations. The author proves that reliance on the basic provisions of the personal relationships concept will allow us to study the structure of envy in various ways, in other words, to identify its parameters, using which it will be possible to measure it; to trace the features of the transformation of envy into personal trait. We show the advisability of developing a system-relational approach to the study of envy and other socio-psychological relationships. This approach will involve a synthesis of the systems approach and the personal relationships concept.
•The scientific apparatus of social psychology has a theoretical and methodological potential that promotes a profound revelation of the essence of envy
•The phenomenon of envy is studied by modern science very partially
•The approach to the study may have a high theoretical and methodological potential for studying a wide range of socio-psychological relationships (envy, jealousy, pride, hostility, cynicism).
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