Esaulova Irena Aleksandrovna – (Perm National Research Polytechnic University)
At the age of innovations and rapid organizational changes the problems of labour force quality have become important as never before. These problems actualize the necessity of formation of science-based approach to the human resources development (HRD) corresponding to the dynamics of the modern organizations’ development. The purpose of the article is to reveal evolutionary objective laws and trends conditioning modification of HRD methodology and practice. HRD concepts’ analysis in the context of economics and management evolution has shown that three key factors precede the appearance of new approach to the personnel learning and development: the change of organizations’ inquiry for personnel knowledge, skills and behavior; revision of employees potential for control of the quality of organization’s management; appearance of new practices with the help of which companies develop human resources forming organizational competitive advantages. As a result marks of profound transformation of HRD conceptual framework taking place nowadays have been found and determined: change of the required employee potential; definition of the role of worker as the subject of self-directed learning in the interests of organization; transfer from individually oriented to personal oriented HRD; transformation of formal systems of learning into “eco-systems” of development; radical restriction of HR-departments functionality.
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