Tkachenko Irina Nikolaevna – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
Meteleva Marina Anatolevna – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
The article is devoted to identification of ways to improve the management of PPP development in the context of modern methods for improving the investment climate and forming PPP institutional environment at the regional level. We specify the elements of management processes at the regional level and present descriptive models of business processes of modern methods. We identify bottlenecks and intersection points of provisions. We suggest the approach for improving the management of PPP development and improving the investment climate within the framework of integrated process of managing the infrastructure of investment activities in the region. We suggest to use principle of continuous quality improvement by E. Deming as the basis for engineering the business management process. The article shows the changes in the interrelations between the elements of the regional public administration system as a result of engineering of the process of constant monitoring and assessment of the quality of management, approaches to the formation of operational information by the example of social infrastructure branches of the regions of the Siberian Federal District.
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