Zhuravlev Aleksandr Konstantinovich – (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University)
Semikin Gennadiy Ivanovich – (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Golubev Yuriy Yurevich – (Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University)
Nechushkin Yuriy Vasilevich – (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)
Adaptation of cardiovascular system under physical activity is related to the state of the autonomic nervous system and changes in the tone of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system. Within the competitive activity, there is a stressful state with a high tension of the body's regulatory systems with the possible development of cardiac arrhythmias. The assessment of vegetative tonus allows identifying the state of adaptation reactions under physical activity. Heart rate variability is a promising method for studying the vegetative supply of optimal hemodynamics.
• Parameters of cardiovascular system make it possible to define timely the state of physiological mechanisms of homeostasis, providing urgent adaptation reactions.
• It is very important to take into account the reaction of cardiovascular system of the body to various types of activity.
• Monitoring the performance of cardiovascular system allows to prevent the development of maladaptation processes and to keep the athletes fit.
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