Gibadullin Rafail Vagitovich –
Malikov Rustam Ilkamovich – (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University )
Grishin Konstantin Evgenevich – (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University )
Mukhametova Diana Daniyarovna – (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University )
The article considers the issues of impact of institutional configuration of regional business environment on the competitive capacity of business entities. We suggest the author’s definition of a notion “competitive capacity of business structures”. We substantiate the expediency of application of a configuration approach to the analysis of the impact of institutional environment on the competition model practiced in different regions. We draw a conclusion that the possibility of the so-called targeted and non-targeted use of institutions by economic agents has a negative impact on the model of competition in the regions along with the low efficiency of the institutional configuration of business environment that has developed at the national level and its instability. We prove significant impact of informal institutions on the competitive environment of Russian regions. We suggest a methodical approach to assessing the impact of the nature of interactions between business and government on the effectiveness of implementing an entrepreneurial project, taking into account the informal component. According to authors, this approach can be used to justify the procedures for institutional reconfiguration of the regional business environment in order to create favorable conditions for the development of healthy competition in the region that stimulates the growth of competitiveness of Russian business structures.
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