Kokovikhin Aleksandr Yurevich – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
Ogorodnikova Ekaterina Sergeevna – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
Plakhin Andrey Evgenevich – (The Ural State University of Economics (USUE))
The article presents the results of a study of the level of customer satisfaction and the level of satisfaction of representatives of small and medium-sized business with a competitive environment on the markets in Sverdlovsk region. Definition of the approaches to the implementation of monitoring measures of the Development Standard for the competition in the subjects of the Russian Federation is a goal of the study. Integrated approaches to the implementation of monitoring are presented in the studies conducted in the 2015-2017 on the territory of Sverdlovsk region, such as "The study of integrated assessment of the investment climate in municipalities of the state and of the investment climate in the municipalities, located on the territory of Sverdlovsk region" (government contract № 0162200032215000009-0657446-01) and "Monitoring the presence (lack) of administrative barriers and the assessment of the competitive environment of the business entities. Monitoring the customer satisfaction with quality of goods, works and services in commodity markets of the Sverdlovsk region and with the state of price competition on the territory of Sverdlovsk region" (government contract № 04-2017-14). Data on satisfaction with the competitive environment of consumers and representatives of organizations were obtained in 2016 during a survey of more than 1000 respondents in 72 urban districts and municipal districts of the Sverdlovsk region. Data on the objective results of state and municipal policy were obtained from the reports of the Heads of Municipalities of the Sverdlovsk Region about the achieved values of the indicators for efficiency assessment of local government bodies published in 2016. The results of the study allow formulating a number of recommendations for improving the institutional environment of small and medium-sized businesses. We recommend state authorities and local self-government to use the developed proposals while developing the policy for increasing satisfaction with the competitive environment by consumers and representatives of organizations.
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