Popov Aleksey Anatolevich – (Plekhanov Russian University of Economics)
The rapid development of the Internet of Things technology increases the possibility of creation of a common information space of housing and communal services on the basis of the Internet of things devices. The paper aims to develop proposals for the formation of promising common information space structure. The article focuses on the common information space structures using the existing information and communication technologies. It also shows common information space structure formed on the basis of the Internet of things devices. We consider as an example of the Internet of things Wzzard, Waspmote, EnOcean, «Strizh» devices. Creation of a common information space on the basis of the Internet of things may lead to the emergence of new types of consumers (users of cloud software applications and users of “smart” devices). Two-level cloud-based data centers emerge in common information space structure. The top-level data center performs analytical processing of data for later use by consumers (including “residents”). The middle-level data center provides services for the joint work of consumers - "devices." Today the formation of a common information space structure based on the Internet of things is difficult. At the same time it is possible to form a common information space structure on the basis of the existing information and communication technologies and using the Internet of things devices at the level of apartment building or apartment building group.
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