Babina Svetlana Ivanovna – (The Kemerovo State University)
In the current paradigm of human resources management the compensation policy plays a significant role in the development of human capital and in the formation of staff motivation for goals and targets achievement. The article examines the system of concepts and definitions, structure and content of their relationships related to the compensation policy. Design, development and use of the compensation policy thesaurus are aimed at the further development of scientific research, improvement and increase in the efficiency of staff remuneration practices. We define the twofold nature of "compensation" category and consider the classification of compensations. Their classification according to characteristics is necessary for the development of various remuneration systems during the design of compensation packages for different staff categories and groups. We study the concept of "compensation policy" from the standpoint of purposeful activity, which corresponds to the new paradigm of business and human resource management. In the heart of the paradigm lies pooling of company's activities, its structural units and personalities to main strategic goal achievement.
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